Friday, August 17, 2007

Technical Advise Week #3 - Lies & Cheats

Dad must have raised us well because he holds a low tolerance for liers and cheats. According to him, people who aren't honest with others often aren't truthful to themselves. Allot of truth telling has to do with self confidence, tempered with proper upbring and using good judgement. Take Max (Max says.... "Thanks allot Mabel!") as an example, he doesn't have a lieing bone in his body, yet he isn't the most fearless beast in the woods, in fact he is sometimes downright timid. Yet he is honest because he has self-confidenced, proper care and for the most part exercises good judgement. When he goes astray on judgement that is when I step in (say Mabel). On the other hand, I am self confident, even tempered and exercise empecible judgement. I have no reason to lie because it I know that I am the 'queen bee', Dad even told me so this past week. The reason why we chose to write about this topic, vs. something to do with SOA, or outsourcing, or web technologies is because none of those things matter if you don't have your pride and integrity. Dad was lamenting the other day when he got a conference brochure and saw one of the people's profile that described them as being the first (he has known this person personnaly for over 20 years!!!). Maybe they thought enough time had passed, and enough people had left the profession, to sneak in what they might refer to as a 'little white lie" (I didn't know that lies came in different sizes). On the other hand maybe the risk would give them an edge. Regardless, a lie is a lie is a lie, and the person doing the lieing raises suspicion about themselves, the technologies they promote, the work they do, and the capabilities that they have. In short, one lie = a total loss of integrity (and for an enternity). Max points out that if they lied and others fell for it... doesn't that make them lazy liers too and you know, he might actually be on to something. Unfortunately people will be drawn to the laziness and ignore/overlook the lies.

Well that's it for this week. Dad got home yesterday afternoon after a long red-eye flight from Seattle that was detoured to Salt Lake city because of a cardiac episode on board. Next week we p dad's travels are less interrupted by these sorts of things. It looks pretty busy for him going to Birmingham, AL and Boston, MA. We will let you know how things transpire.

Wishing you the best,,

- Mabel & Max

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