Saturday, March 15, 2008

Technical Advise Week #31 - Balance & Harmony

A key to inner peace is when one is with self. You are probably all thinking that we are a bit off and that we are about to launch into a fuzzy place. The truth is that Balance & Harmony (the Chinese call it Fung Sui) must not only exist within ourselves but also in our surroundings. Dad was real fearful when Mom took a Fung Sui class in Hong Kong a month ago for fear that she would launch into an office rearranging frenzie. What we discovered is that Fund Sui is more that just the person, and just the physical... it's also the climate that we operate in. Business has made fervent attempts to pramatically solution. The success that have been made has not been from within the method or the technique, but from within the balance (harmony that exists). While we might not like to hear this, it's the effect of coincidence. The case that we put forth is this.... if it weren't coincidence, then why does a solution work for one and not another? As an IT organization looking to make change; whether to accomplish a new goal, foster a renewed cadence, or correct an ill how can we minimize the effect of coincidence. It is through Fund Sui or what we have coined as HIT™ (Holistic IT) a balance approach and a proactive coupling of the breath in an IT organization to not only make change but to be atune to opportunities. Over the last several years we have been, under much secrecacy, testing and tweaking this approach and are now proud to make it commercially available. We feel, to the pleasure of our customers, that we are not offering theory, but have been able to craft a working IT phylosophy for change. Not for purely that purpose but to be a viable, ROI based operation. Through exhaustive research, and that of other companies who didn't even realize that the work they were doing was helping to support our quest, did we discover that IT can flouish. Flourish, not for the sake of self-interest, but for the profitable contributation that it can make to our company and to the domestic IT communities that we reside within. Take some time to think about what you want IT to accomplish, and ask yourself whether a roadmap will get you there or whether a wholelistic climate will? Till next week.... Mabel & Max... over & out!

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