Monday, February 11, 2008

Technical Advise Week #26 - Happy Valentine's Day

Welcome and Happy Holiday Greetings from Max & I. We believe that the best gift that we provide is the honesty. For some, this is met with resentment, it doesn't feel good but with reflect one would see that this is given out of love... nothing more and nothing less. Over the past months we have gone on the roller coaster ride, going from moments of excitement to periodic points of despair. We decided that training is good station to take a moment of rest and reflection. People seek education for allot of reasons. Maybe it's to seek answers, possible used to justify approach, or to gain clarification on trusts (both misguided or misunderstood). One thing that training doesn't provide is correction to corporate ills. People fix problems, training may only provide hints and ideas that might be possible solutions. Ultimately it comes down to people. We can almost predict who will get value from the educational experience by the way they react to the interchange of information. Taking raw information and converting it to usable information provide confidence that there is a way to overcome the most daunting problems. When the information cannot be converted it puts forth the possibility that the investment of time is not well spent. It isn't at all uncommon for 'the to be trained' to lament about the difficulties they face, they are real and looming. Yet when compared to other engineering marvels one would equate the challenge to that of painting a house vs. painting a country, they are often not that insummountable. The participants needs to dig down deep in their talent pool, utilizing every bit of strength they have, to seek and probe (and not look for the answer but to full consume the process towards that end). Training doesn't solve problems, people solve problems. Problems may not be pervasive, they may in fact be sporatic and therefore it's more a case of a situation to manage rather than an opportunity to solve in a large way. We encourage all to be the best that they can't be, to overcome the temptation to slide into a moras of pity, and to be as good as you say you are. This is what management and organizations look for, leaders and not those that have given up before they have started.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be AWOL. Yes, part of team will be traveling to Asia (again) and we will hold down the domestic front. Please let us know if we can be of help. As always we can be easily contacted via email.

- Mabel & Max

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