Saturday, November 17, 2007

Technical Advise Week #16 - Turkey Trot

On the brink of Thanksgiving it has given us rise to think about priorites and values. Mom & Dad attended two conferences this week and brough back lots of observations about the industry we are in and the things that are most important. Since Mom is not a technical person we seem to value her opinion more than Dad's (since he is after all a techie type, haha). Mom said, that she observed allot of people with very sad expressions on their face. It seemed, at least from casual conversations that two isses prompt this; stress and taking yourself a bit too serious. If, in the final analysis, results is the barometer of whether these traits/deeds are worth the effort... the answer seems to be NO. So how can we become more effective? Here are some ideas...

1. Relax
2. Flexibility
3. Utilize ALL Options
4. Relax
5. Build Capabilities and Knowledge
6. Balance Recreation with Professional Pursuits
7. Relax
8. Look for Similiarities and Assimiliations
9. Practice-Practice-Practice
10. Relax

You notice that we utilize 1, 4, 7 & 10 allot but we also exercise #9 too. We practice what we preach. We might also suggest starting implementing your New Year's Resoolutions early (why not right after Thanksgiving?). No need to put things off.

We plan on taking it easy (maybe easier) this week. Friends from North Carolina will be sharing Thanksgiving with us. Both Max & I are looking forward to having Bubba visit us. Bubba is even smaller than us but he we have taught him to enjoy and not to stress. It was amazing to see him enjoy letting go of these old habits and to let his inner-self shine through. We hope that you will do the same and get the full benefit of these blessings.

Our wishes to all and have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Share your joys with others!

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