Monday, March 24, 2008

Technical Advise Week #32 - Proof

Hi and post-Happy Easter. We ate too many eggs and now we are feeling a bit slow today.
We decided that it was time that we talked about PROOF. Proof is one of those things that we all look for. We look for proof of delivery, proof of concept, proof of value, etc., etc. etc. Our desire is to make us feel that there will be certainty, and it doesn't materialize we use our proof to try and add reason as to why. The reality is that no two things are the same. No matter how hard we try, conditions change. With condition change so do the many things that we can't control. PROOF starts with trust. If you expect to force PROOF from a person the trust opportunity that you have quickly turns sour. We can think of allot of situation where proof is asked for:
- Proof of Employment
- Proof of Employment Work Habit (probably the worst thing to ask since most only give positive recommendations; when the most truthful are those companies who thought the employee was stupid when it was the other way around).
- Proof of Work/Work Relationships (most contracts prohibit discussions in this area) and
- Proof of Concept (actually this is a controlled experiment).
What we have experienced and found is that it starts with people-to-people (or pug-to-pug) relationships, if you don't have that... there is no need to seek proof. If you are looking for certainty, do it yourself (or take the risk and establish a collaborative effort to reach a goal). But don't try to turn proof into certainty! Till next week. Mabel & Max..... Out!

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